DSP Excellence

Providers Listed Clockwise: Bernard Taft, Crystal Ali, Jamie Keller, Florence Okonkwo, Jewel Taylor  Champions of Care and Compassion We are privileged to work alongside these 5 exceptional Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who dedicate their lives to empowering...

Meet our Elizabeth Graham in the peach dress

Disability pride to me means knowing your strengths AND weaknesses. Use your strengths to compensate for or work around your weaknesses. Some people use identity-first language or person-first language, and it is important to respect the language that people choose to...

Kat Lopez Story

KAT’S STORY: Journey of HOPE: Empowering Spanish-Speaking Families at The Arc In January 2019, a chance encounter at a college career fair set the stage for an amazing journey. Katherine Lopez (right), known affectionately as Kat, crossed paths with Miss Melanee...

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